Modern logo styles: art and illustrations as a new web logo design
New times require new solutions. New media, such as web pages, allow displaying colorful graphics and illustrations without the paint restrictions of traditional printing. The key is now to stand out, appeal and catch the attention through a modern design style that will marvel your customers.
This selection of my modern logo design projects is a sample of this design style:
Benefits of using modern-style logo designs
A modern logo design with eye-catching illustrations is nearly a new form of art, idoneous for modern web based businesses. Rich textures and attractive glows will let those contemporary logo designs appeal your customers and convey the modern nature of your company.
- Optimal design for web businesses: Either an internet based business or a modern web 2.0 company needs a logo design that matches the nature of such new kind of business. It's a colorful and contemporary style that will glow in a modern computer display.
- A new logo design art: The logo designs for the new times may use interesting textures, glows, illustrations and reflections. That's nearly a fusion of modern digital art with very practical and appealing logotype design principles and branding.
- Differentiate your logo with style: Marvel your potential clients with a new aesthetically pleasant modern logotype design style, that will make your logo stand out among its competitors.
- A modern and professional design: Attract your customer's attention with a beautiful design style, that is also a meaningful and representative design of your corporate identity. It's not only a nice image, but also a memorable and professional logo that conveys the main ideas of your modern company.