Custom church logo design: church logos for a church advice organization

Custom church logo design by Enrique Serrano
© design by Enrique Serrano

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Custom church logo design – church logo designs for TC Kerkadvies by E. Serrano

Key custom church logo design ideas

Initially conceived as an emblem for a Church which initiated a fund raising campaign, Journey of Faith, to relocate the church.

This custom church logo design represents the new church at the end of the path of such journey of faith.

The image is very appropriate for TC Kerkadvies, an organization that provides advice to churches.

Church logo requirements

  • The logo style should be clean and professional.
  • The custom church logo should represent the path to Christ and the relocation of the church.
  • The final church logo design could contain a symbol such as people, a cross, a path, a hill or a road.
  • The logos can contain up to 3 colors. The design should work well on just black and white colors.
  • Any clearly readable font may be used.

Why this custom church logo design works

The final church logo takes into account every one of the key TC church ideas: it’s a new church, with a clearly visible cross symbol, which can be reached at the end of the path of such journey of faith.

The whole custom church logo design is based on clean lines, with a modern and inviting look and feel. The smooth line of the path leads the view to the final objective of this fund raising campaign: the construction of the new church. While the straight lines add solidity and stability to this church logo design.

I chose a clearly readable serif font for the church name. I wanted to balance the composition adding an element with a little classic feeling, to remark the traditional principles behind this church. Also, the crisp and clear lines of this font completely match the whole church logo style.

design of the church text

The final version of these modern church logos uses a different customized typeface which is even more coherent with the modern, contemporary look of the rest of the symbol, keeping a clean, flowing, smoother handwritten style. This approachable style in the new church logo font works perfectly for an organization that helps churches achieve their goals.

The key in designing church logos was to keep the whole church symbol modern, warm, inviting and sober. So the contemporary color scheme of this custom church logo design is based on warm and inviting tones with a little conservative touch. It extracts the maximum out of just three plain colors, creating subtle effects of light and shade that add some depth and tridimensional effect to the design. As this logo design is pretty clean, it works even without colors, on a black and white version.

This final custom church logo design is a modern, warm and inviting symbol, which also remarks the traditional principles of the church. Starting as a church emblem, the final logotype depicts the full story: a new church building constructed at the end of the Journey of Faith path.

The ideas behind this logo design are very appropriate for the brand image of this Church advice organization: the cross emblem on top at the end of the path, with no heavy structures, approachable, serene, calm simple, spiritual. Summarizing: a design of a logo with all the elements to depict a professional image for a church advice organization.

Custom church logo design variants

People church logo design

People and cross church logo design

This was a completely different approach to the church logo. The whole logotype reminds of the top of a church. The people logo symbol leads the view to the cross. The cross symbol is constructed upon a supporting group of people. And the elegant color scheme is made of just 3 spot colors.

This version depicted just the end of the journey of faith since it removed the path, so I preferred the meaning of the other church logo version. On the other hand, I still like this elegant and very symbolic logo design, with such a strong meaning as people together supporting the church.

Dark background custom church logo design

Church logo on dark background

This is the final custom church logo design on a dark background. In fact, there are no modifications of the previous church logo design. I just wanted to test the image on a dark background to prove that it would work on a wide variety of surfaces and backgrounds, keeping the original warm color scheme of the design.

I like the contrast that dark backgrounds add to the church logo symbol, making an elegant combination.

Heavenly custom church logo design

Heavenly church logo design

My final custom church logo design was based on a warm and inviting color scheme, that added a somehow traditional feeling to a logotype composed of very modern lines. But I still wanted to try a different church logo design with some kind of heavenly approach in a light blue color scheme.

So this custom church logo design is really modern and contemporary. I find it very eye-catching and relaxing, an inspirational design to become the logo of a church.

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by Enrique Serrano

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